How Tell if Your Baby Has Colic and How to Help

By Bruce Wayne - Sep 3, 2024

Colic is a common condition in infants that can be distressing for both the baby and parents. It’s important to recognize the signs and know how to soothe your baby if they are suffering from colic.

Identifying Colic Symptoms

Colic typically involves prolonged periods of crying, often in the late afternoon or evening. Babies may clench their fists, arch their backs, and appear in pain. These episodes can last for several hours and may occur multiple times a week.

Comforting Your Baby

To help soothe a colicky baby, try holding them upright, gently rocking them, or taking them for a walk in a stroller. White noise, swaddling, or using a pacifier can also provide comfort. Sometimes, a warm bath or tummy massage might help ease their discomfort.

Comforting Your Baby

When to Seek Medical Advice

If your baby’s crying seems excessive or you’re concerned about their health, it’s important to consult a pediatrician. They can rule out other causes of distress and offer guidance on managing colic.

When to Seek Medical Advice

Stay Mobile and Wear Compression Socks

During flights or long car rides, wearing compression socks and staying mobile can reduce the risk of blood clots and swelling. Walk regularly, or do seated exercises like ankle rotations. When driving, ensure your seatbelt is correctly positioned and take frequent breaks for short walks.

Stay Mobile and Wear Compression Socks